First National Bank of Pasco is proud to serve the military community through our partnership with the Armed Forces Financial Network® (AFFN®).
About AFFN: AFFN was founded in 1985 at the request of the U.S. Army in support of the Surepay direct deposit system to provide U.S. military personnel (active, reserve, dependents, and retired) with access to their funds through ATM and point-of-sale (POS) terminals at or near U.S. military bases worldwide. AFFN's mission is to increase the versatility of participating financial institutions to better serve the U.S. military.
AFFN is co-owned by the Association of Military Banks of America (AMBA) and the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC). The Armed Forces Financial Network® (AFFN®) is an electronic transfer network (EFT) providing network access to the U.S. military, veteran, and civilian communities with ready access to their funds through ATM and POS terminals located at or near U.S. military bases worldwide. For more than 35 years, the Armed Forces Financial Network (AFFN) has provided service to the Association of Military Banks of America (AMBA) Banks and the Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC) Credit Unions in support of those who serve.